I think, for some reason, that
TIME is something that has caught Überspass attention. Time is a very broad theme, I'm a ware, and it has to be coupled wither other themes in order to become precise. I'm mentioning time because I usually find exhibitions which are not static very interesting. The idea of building time into installations is interesting because it can show what happens in a given environment. The installation can lead towards a collapse, it can be building it self, it can run out of battery, it can
get lost. I don't think it's only me being quite intrigued by machines. Is it?
I'm thinking of ideas as;
materializing a piece of Yves Klein theory over a 2 week span in 1 material. Maybe Jakob as the Yves Klein specialist can elaborate here.
ûber August recipe suggestions:
Based on experience; we do not have time to discuss too much. We should start building as soon as possible. We might need some simple rules from which our project van sprout (Sprout is a metaphor if you want).
- {add TIME into these if you feel like!≈}
1 material, such as pvc-hoses
1 person and his theory, eks. YK
1 material, such as silicone
1 theme, such as ; the fourth dimension, infrastructure goes bananas, next level communication
building a catastrophe (volcano) of 50 boxes of first aid kit
{≈what is the Überpotential of somethingÜnder=????≈}
well yeah, maybe, whatever man, fuck.