mandag den 31. maj 2010

Arrival - Departure [Update1[3persons]]

It is with great honor and pride, that I in person can announce and confirm the two first bookings to London.
Logistikmesteren aka the man that knows all about logistics
has send me this information:

18. aug 2010
18:20 København
19:20 London-Gatwick
Varighed: 2:00

31. aug 2010
08:45 London-Gatwick
11:40 København
Varighed: 1:55

Logistikmesteren is planning to spend the whole of the 19th of august to drink WHEAT GRASS JUICE, TO UPTAIN THE RIGHT BODY BALANCE, BEFORE THE SHOW BEGINS

Advokaten ( The Lawyer) aka the Advocado
has send this information:

We are all looking forward to the rest of the bookings. when are people coming and when are they leaving.......


The canonmakers son has made a move. He has finally decided to leave the idyllic south of Sweden, to join the 3rd Sub-material Congress. Lately he has been touring the Asian area. We are looking forward to read his report.
Welcome to London

tirsdag den 25. maj 2010


As a gadget. Eyecandy and Drawtoy. In contradiction to your highly intellectual and beautiful bizarre posts, I am sending you an uberkaleidoscopicheart..... this is a fantatstic tool - try me

Static and Dynamic Forces [SDF]

Two phenomenons are represented on the site.
The platform together with the gallery can be seen as the static part of the site.

The dynamic part, the ephemeral, are the trains.
They both live of/on each other. The platform would not be anything without the trains, and the platform without its train would then not be a platform anymore.

The place is interesting, because it is undergoing a process of change. A change from only being a place for transfer, to a place of pause. A platform is in my eyes ephemeral architecture in its purest form. People getting on, people getting of, changing direction, getting lost etc. these procedures are supported with a plateau(architecture), which gives the users a space to do their Ephemeralization in the time inbetween. This time is the ephemeral pause, which break, connects and redirects back to reality...

Suggestions have already been made to embrace these "forces" which are naturally present at the site, the kaleidoscope.

Recommendable film: Robert Aldrich - Emperor of the North Pole (1973) IMDB

mandag den 24. maj 2010



Jeg tror det ville hjælpe hvis vi virkelig dyrkede vores tags i det post som vi laver. Dermed mener jeg, at de skaber visse genrer som i et fremtidigt perspektiv, ville gøre det meget nemmere, at sortere i vores info.

The Bridge

The purpose of symbolization is to free the meaning from the immediate situation, whereby it becomes a "cultural object", which may form part of more complex situation, or be moved to another place. All the three relationships imply that man gather the experienced meanings to create for himself an imago mundi or microcosmos which concretizes his world: Gathering evidently depends on symbolization, and implies a transposition of meanings to another place, which thereby becomes an existential "centre".

Visualization, complementation and symbolization are as aspects of the general processes of settling; and dwelling, in the existential sense of the word, depends on these functions. Heidegger illustrates the problem by means of the
bridge a "building" which visualizes, symbolizes and gathers, and makes the environment become a unified whole. Thus he says: "The bridge swings over the stream with case and power. It does not just connect banks that are already there, the banks emerge as banks only as the bridge crosses the stream. The bridge designedly causes them to lie across from each other. One side is set off against the other by the bridge. Nor do the banks stretch along the stream as indifferent border strips of the dry land. With the banks, the bridge brings to the stream the one and the other expanse of the landscape lying behind them. It brings stream and bank and land into each other's neighborhood. The bridge gathers the earth as landscape around the stream. Heidegger also describes what the bridge gathers and thereby uncovers its value as a symbol. We cannot here enter into these details, but want to emphasize that the landscape as such gets its value through the bridge. Before, the meaning of the landscape was "hidden", and the building of the bridge brings it out into the open. "The bridge gathers Being into a certain "location" that we may call a "place." This "place", however, did not exist as an entity before the bridge (although there were always many "sites" along the river-bank where it could arise), but comes-to-presence with and as the bridge. The existential purpose of building (architecture) is therefore to make a site become a place, that is, to uncover the meanings potentially present in the given environment.

Is there potential in studying this idea concretezised in an installation, using the train-tracks and its banks (platforms) as an analogy for the stream. But...! WHAT is the BRIDGE?

Kaleidoscope capturing the trains

What about somehow mirroring in the passing trains into the gallery space and creating a spatial kaleidoscopic piece of architecture?

I will develop this sketch later, but feel free to do it yourself as well.

This could be done either live with mirrors (through the windows? - magnus comment. I agree), or with videorecordings (with delays?) or a combination of those. The same principle could be used for sounds (echo?)...

My trigger in this is to "frame" (and also exploding the frame through the kaleidoscope, and the mirrors maybe also has to leave the gallery and enter the street on the other side of the building) view on the city and its infrastructure as an ecosystem, which has its cycles and rythms of it's own.

Reference video (never mind the title) and further reading (swedish)

Caspar David Friedrich - Wanderer above the Sea of Fog (1818)

søndag den 23. maj 2010

Things To Get

Archive #1. (sub)material virtual library

I came to the conclusion that if we, and i see no reason why we should not, accept our colonel and attorney's prerogative, with it a formula for action. The next logical step would be to add a post that which collects, archives and synthesize our ideas.

In layman terms; a material library, a theoretical reference library, and on the top of my head, an entry concerning speculations on/of/in/under "site", THE GENIUS LOCI. Another entry could discuss mediatopes, however this might not the appropriate at this time.

As such, i proclaim this post as the breeding ground for suggested materials we find interesting/relevant/practical/fun/cheap/expensive.

so far the list reads

1) first aid kits
2) pvc-hoses

one proposal suggests a mapping of the local environment in efforts to limit our selections within the site's broader radius. i find this welcome, potentially fruitful, potentially useless.

I hope more will be added in the comments as im fresh out of ideas.

lørdag den 22. maj 2010

Who's in?

As I am about to move my focus to Ü3SC I begin to wonder, who's in? Thais, Anders, Sune, Magnus and me has more or less clearly stated their interest, but what about the rest? Or is it us? It's not like I need to know it now, I'm just curious.

Off topic - On topic

Even if this is off topic - it is not about the content of uberspass 3rd submaterial congress - it is very much related.

While we are in London, Monsieur Francis Alys, is doing an exhibition at Tate Modern that we must experience.

Francis Alys is educated as an architect, but while working on a project in Mexico City he started to stroll the streets, and producing works by interacting, stirring, emphasing and opposing everyday life. Most of his works takes place in public space, where he formulates poetic interactions often emphasizing interactive, ephemeral and collaborative processes.

More info about the exhibition at Tate Modern
Work samples:
When faith moves a mountain (2002)
Francis Alÿs - Zocalo, Mexico D.F., 14 nov. 1998

fredag den 21. maj 2010

/ directors / cut /

Good morning from a sunny side, on the upside.

Went to some sort of concert last night, ran into Merlin, the man, with the plan{s}. We chatted and i told him the full story, the true überspaß story(all the way). He agreed and found it interesting. Only issue is that we might have to contact the local authorities for outside planning-permission. Otherwise, he is on our side.
I am going away in the field and document the place, photos, nice handsketches and bla bla, also known as WHATEVER....
Until then boys, keep or should i say, start posting ideas and everything you have in mind.

yours truly


tirsdag den 18. maj 2010

18th May meeting UK/DK

1st summary of LONDON/CPH meeting 18,5,2010
On this little meeting we discussed the possibility of doing an installation consisting of 3 key events.
The cool thing here is that it will allow all of us to be working at the same time with different things and join our work in an installation, inside+/- outside of the Platform Gallery space. Thais will visit the place and make a more detailed drawing asap.

The idea takes 1 theory 1 material and a variety of modern mediatopes as its point of departure.

+ Theory
Yves Klein


+ our interpretation of it. Site, time and material specific,


..this idea should be seen as a structure rather than a project proposal, and does not obstruct elaborations that differs drastically from it.
Take good care, comment and post all your stuff!

& Advocative

lørdag den 15. maj 2010

I think, for some reason, that TIME is something that has caught Überspass attention. Time is a very broad theme, I'm a ware, and it has to be coupled wither other themes in order to become precise. I'm mentioning time because I usually find exhibitions which are not static very interesting. The idea of building time into installations is interesting because it can show what happens in a given environment. The installation can lead towards a collapse, it can be building it self, it can run out of battery, it can get lost. I don't think it's only me being quite intrigued by machines. Is it?
I'm thinking of ideas as; materializing a piece of Yves Klein theory over a 2 week span in 1 material. Maybe Jakob as the Yves Klein specialist can elaborate here.

ûber August recipe suggestions:
Based on experience; we do not have time to discuss too much. We should start building as soon as possible. We might need some simple rules from which our project van sprout (Sprout is a metaphor if you want).

  • {add TIME into these if you feel like!≈}

1 material, such as pvc-hoses
1 person and his theory, eks. YK
1 material, such as silicone
1 theme, such as ; the fourth dimension, infrastructure goes bananas, next level communication
building a catastrophe (volcano) of 50 boxes of first aid kit

{≈what is the Überpotential of somethingÜnder=????≈}


well yeah, maybe, whatever man, fuck.


torsdag den 13. maj 2010

1st sight of Plan

After days of writing with the director of Platform 1 Gallery, Merlin, the man, we have received a plan. It is handdrawn, we like handdrawings in Überspaß, and we want more. Hopefully Merlin will still be as helpfull with the second load of informing drawings, as he was with the first!
For Further detail, tjek out the —_EMAIL CONVERSATION EXTRACT_—
Well back to the plans.

fredag den 7. maj 2010

Icelandic Volcano Ash (160 gr.)

This is just a burst without clear direction. But maybe this could be connected to our show?

Another reference, that I'm gonna digg deeper into is Yves Klein's air architecture. For example, this book looks interesting. More, more and more.

Email Conversations(extracts)[update2]

7th May 2010
Green is Thais
Blue is Merlin

"Hi Merlin

How are you doing__?

We are slowly starting the discussion of platform1 gallery and what potential we could bring for the period that we are inhabiting the space.
Personally i would like to drop by, when things are slowing down here at crab, but the guys in sweden, norway and denmark are asking for some siteplans or just plans in genereal, so they can get a feeeling of the space.
Is that something that you have laying around?
hope to here from you
All the best

"Yes that should be possible. This Sunday? What were your proposed dates again?



"the proposed date was from the 20th to the 31st of august.
I'm heading abroad this sunday, so what about meeting up next weekend instead?

"Yes, that sounds ideal!


Merlin J"

"cool, merlin
what about the drawings, is that possible?

There are some drawings on the website, under plans.

I can send over some photos?



"That could be very helpful.



"Hi Merlin

Apparently we are having problems with loading plans from the website.
Is there another way we can get hold of the drawings?

All the best


I will have to follow this up when I get home.

Is that ok?




11th May 2010

Red is Merlin

Purple is Thais

I have the plans on my laptop will get them to you asap


Hi Merlin

That would be just fantastic if you could send them of to us!



That is cool

When do you think you will send them?


Tonight, when I get home.


Niiiiiiice one.
We are tripping and can't wait to get started with the drawings.
See you when i get back to London


UPDATE__2_{arrival of the plan}
13th May 2010
Orange is Merlin
turquoise is Thais

plans attached.

Hi Merlin

Thanks for the plan.
Though I was wondering if you had access to some more detailed drawings. I'm thinking plans with context.
The site and its surrounding is very interesting, and we have been discussing the idea of incorporating the outside space as well as the inside, do to its richness in different speeds, layers of programs and contradicting intensities. Therefore we are also looking for some context to the gallery, such as siteplans or similar. Is that possible?

The video from the webpage gives a very good impression of what is described above!



torsdag den 6. maj 2010

Hei kjære lesere. Her er mitt tilskudd til prosjekt-databasen.

Er for tiden i gang med et utsmykningsprosjekt til en glemt klubb i oslo by, et av disse stedene som måske var hipt en gang i 90erne, men som aldri riktig klarte ta steget inn i en den neste era, eller den neste. nå har det seg sånn at et par party-svenskere har inntaget stedet og har hyret inn berlin-kollektivet turmstrasse kollektiv til at spille. mega-fett.

Her følger plan og konseptskisse:

Lys "backlightes" gjennom vinduer og diffusionspapir inn til bakgården, og er satt opp til en maskin der kan tone opp og ned intensiteten, så det fremkommer at bygningen i seg selv "puster", samt et par andre interessante kombinasjoner, som randomiseret lysutvalg, "bølgen", tilsvarende. Det har seg ennå ikke latt seg gjøre å oppdrive denne maskinen, men den finnes der ute sted.

Ved inngangen er plassert et kamera i loftet, samt et solidt sortement av blitz-apparater i varierende styrke godt skjult fra passagen. billedene som her bliver taget projiseres direkte over baren, en slags pandant til diller&scofidios bar i seagram building om i vil.