mandag den 26. april 2010

Advokatens April-Bio

I'm currently working on a project dealing with the idea of the "open ended becoming". In the open ended becoming lies the idea of a non-prescriptive architecture/design, in which "breeding" the architectural functions rather than chasing programmatic ideals becomes relevant.

As a material system to meet these ideas, I've chosen stearin. It has a historical role in our town/site, Sarajevo, during the siege (which also caught my attention) but more important it has a melting point that can be reached with a simple stove!

The danish artist Henrik Menné is a quite good example of how can create procedures that, that with an open end, will create forms (i hope also new programmatic content).

My interpretation of the open ended becoming is a machine that drips stearin and creates structures over a large time span. In this first version of the machine it simply creates circles. Im curently working with the idea of programming the machine in a way that take the open ended becoming more serious. Enclosed circles or...

above: track sysSTEM. What is not on this drawing, is the MERISTEMS, from which the structures sprout - see below.

above: robotic moving along track

above: 4 step building logic

above: 1:20 building logic study. Procedure>architecture?

above: packing/growth. Onionwise

Never the less where ever this project ends, it doesn't really end. But guys, I think I have to update this post a little when I have some drawings scanned.

4 kommentarer:

  1. det ser rigtig fedt ud, Advokat. Hvor lang tid brugte du/den paa at lave den konstruktion som er paa billedet?
    og saa vil jeg os lige indskyde at jeg er stolt over dine tegninger, tilbage til haanden!

  2. Den havde kørt ca. 3 timer da billedet blev taget. Den har holdt weekend, men kører på 6. time nu. lad os sige 5-6 mm i timen.

  3. haha, fedt anders.
    men hva fa'en er det for noget maskineri der ligger bag din robot?
